How Preventive Health Checkup Saves You Money

When it comes to cars, house or any other valuable thing, people take caution in order to prevent any sort of destruction or accidents. Just like any other property, health is also an important treasure in life that seeks precaution from illness and diseases. In cities like Bangalore, people are likely to fall sick due to pollution and other factors. Getting a preventive health check-up can save you a lot of money since any disease can be detected in its initial stage, the cost of treatment for which is comparatively low than a fully grown disease. A complete body checkup in Bangalore helps to keep a track on our body, which leads to a healthy lifestyle. After all, no one would like to spend all of their savings on the treatment.

Medical check-up that should be taken regularly 

There are multiple check-ups, which should be done regularly for maintaining a healthy life. Here are a few medical check-ups, which should be done at least once a year.

Blood pressure: The modern lifestyle is not considered as healthy according to renowned doctors. The work pressure and unhealthy eating lead to an imbalance in blood pressure, which can lead to threatening diseases. It is highly advised by doctors to check blood pressure at least once a month. The normal blood pressure for adults is 120/80.

Blood tests: Blood tests diagnose a lot of underlying diseases, which cannot be detected through physical examination. Increase or decrease in blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol level and hemoglobin is diagnosed by a blood test. The increase in blood sugar or cholesterol leads to heart disease, which can be fatal. It is advised that people aged 40 years and more should go for a blood test at least twice a year.

Electrocardiogram: Heart disease is common nowadays. According to a survey 1 out of 4 people die due to heart disease. An electrocardiogram is a painless way to check the irregularities of your heart.

Obesity tests: Obesity is the major cause of heart disease, high blood sugar, high blood pressure. If you are increasing weight abnormally then you should go for a body mass index check-up. This check-up will help to control the extra weight, which can lead to major trouble for your health later in your life.

Mammograms: Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of the death of women. If your family has a history of breast cancer, then it is advised to go for a mammogram. It detects the risk of breast cancer and helps you to take the necessary steps required for this.

Health is wealth. If your health goes down, it will also take away your wealth. So, it is necessary to take care of yourself for both health and wealth. With the development of science and technology, medical treatments have become very expensive. You can go for Health Checkup in Bangalore that will diagnose any abnormal activity if present and provide you with the best solution. Always remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.

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